Friday, June 27, 2008

Third Day Orientation

Just got back from our bus tour – it's really really really really hot! Took lots of photos (of course!). This is our last night in Musqat. Tomorrow we fly to Salalah – and Internet access, inshallah.

Also today, the Omanis' true driving colors came out. They're just as crazy as everyone else. And while it does take skill to weave a mini-bus in and out of traffic, it takes true talent to do that with a Greyhound! Apparently, if you're trying to change lanes, you honk at the person in your way and then start moving over. At least we were in the big vehicle!

An interesting side note: there is supposed to be a synagogue in town. And when I was at the souk, the store where I shopped also sold Star of David pendants.

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